
Building a data warehouse for data mining

If you read lots of document on building data warehouses but still things are fuzzy, the presentation below will be helpful for you;



Glassfish - Error in linking security policy

Yep another day and another nonsense damn Glassfish error. I really miss Spring Framework.

I got the message in $Subject and resolve it via remove all folders&files in "[glassfishhome]/glassfish/domains/domain1/generated" then a fresh restart, it works.


Moving Glassfish

When you decide to move your Glassfish installation from one folder to another folder/computer probably you will get errors from osgi like;

WARNING: Failed to install
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Bundle symbolic name and version are
not unique: org.glassfish.XXXXXX

All this errors are about osgi cache system. After you delete;


everything should be fine.


Egit and Github on Windows

Finally I got. Over lots of issues (like "no adress associated with name" or "auth failed" from eclipse) finally I can use Github with eclipse on windows. We apply first steps from eclipse forums guidelines and then combine it with classical console commands.

1. Set up the ssh key stuff
a. Download and install mysys git according to the github instructions at http://help.github.com/win-git-installation/
b. In C:/Users/you/ssh hide any existing keys (id_rsa and id_rsa.pub) in a subdirectory. If the ssh directory does not exist, create it. Of course, "you" is your username as the OS knows you.
c. From the start menu, run Git-Bash command shell (a regular DOS command shell will not work).
d. In the Git-Bash shell generate an rsa key based on your email (the one you registered at github):

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "you"

and enter your pass phrase and confirm when asked.
e. The previous step should have created C:/User/you/ssh/id_rsa.pub which you can now open in a text editor and copy. At github, go to account settings, SSH Keys, add a key and paste this in the key box.
f. In Git-Bash again (notice the back-ticks in the next line):

$ eval `ssh-agent`
$ ssh-add C:/User/you/ssh/id_rsa
$ ssh git

2. From Eclipse share your project with Egit and then open Git-bash and go to your directory of your apps in your workspace. And now two more steps;

$ git remote add origin git@github.com:{your_user_name}/{your_project_name}.git
$ git push -u origin master
After you open Eclipse again and refresh you can see your remote repo under the git-repo view.